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Is it OK to Swear on Stage as a Speaker?
Is it a great way to engage an audience or cheap theatrics?
This is where all businesss soloists go to get smart advice.
Check out my articles, podcasts, webinars and other information by visiting Flying Solo and searching for "Andrew Griffiths".
A huge congratulations to Lalita Lowe – her recent TEDxHobart talk has just gone live. Lalita is a fashion...
Smallville in an online community I founded for Small Business owners who think big. Everyday fresh advice, knowledge and ideas are shared freely by our Contributors for Small Business owners just like you. We have articles, videos, audio content, book reviews… and all for free!
The Business over Breakfast podcast is the perfect mix of opinion, advice, commentary and smart know how, all designed to challenge the way Small Business owners do business now and into the future.
Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my bestselling books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that.