"I work with people of substance
to build businesses of substance"

andrew griffiths, the entrepreneurial futurist


Thank you very much for registering for our recent webinar, for people wanting to start writing their book. In this webinar Michael Hanrahan, founder of Publish Central and myself, talk about what stops people from writing a book and then we do a deeper dive on where to get started with the book writing process. And of course, it's really all about asking better questions.

Collectively Michael and I have helped well over a thousand people to write and publish their first books, it's a passion for both of us and we know just how challenging it can be for aspiring authors. We also know that for those who overcome the most common challenges, there are many rewards that come with becoming a published author.

Below you will find the recording of the webinar and a PDF that you can download if you want the presentation details. And here are the links to both Michael and my websites if you would like some more information about how we can help you write and publish your book.

Andrew Griffiths website.

Michael Hanrahan Publish Central website.

Many thanks,

Andrew Griffiths - International Bestselling Author.


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