There's a lot of discussion about creating online programmes and digital assets and resources at the moment. And for good reason, these are wonderful ways to build community, generate leads, position yourself for your unique knowledge and expertise and of course, generate revenue. But as someone who has been creating digital assets for as long as there have been digital assets, it's clear that there are many ways to approach this and many pitfalls and potential hazards along the way.
I worked with Matthew Mason, found of Mavenzeal to develop my "Charge what you're worth" online programme recently. I found the experience to be excellent - and it gave me a whole new perspective on not only developing online programmes but creating any kind of online product or asset. As always, there is so much more to it once you find someone who is really good at it. And Matthew has been in this space for a long time, firstly with corporates and now with entrepreneurs.
I decided to interview Matthew - to ask him some questions about creating high quality, valuable digital resources of all kinds. And the video below is that interview. If you really want to create high quality digital assets, I'd encourage you to watch this - and contact Matthew for a chat. He will provide some really good insights into the right way and the wrong way to go about creating really good resources like online courses, master classes etc.
Matt's contact details are -
Website - Mavenzeal
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