"I work with people of substance
to build businesses of substance"

andrew griffiths, the entrepreneurial futurist




Hello there, my name is Andrew Griffiths, I’m an international bestselling author. I’ve been writing books for almost 20 years and in that time I’ve written 13 books that have been sold in over 65 countries. 

Pretty much every day someone comes up to me and says that they want to write a book. So many people do, but the problem is they don’t know where to start. In the past 6 years I’ve personally coached and mentored over 500 people to write and publish their first book (and some people are onto their 4th and 5th books). I've worked with authors from virtually every industry sector and they have written books on just about every topic imaginable. 

A few years back I started to run 4 day Author Academy retreats. The concept was to take a group of new authors to a beautiful location and help them map out their books in detail and get them one hundred percent ready to write. I ran my first few Author Academy retreats in Bali and they were very successful. The people attending the retreat loved the immersion concept and I loved teaching in this environment. We had the time for deeper discussions, one on one coaching and workshoping of everyones book concept, structure and overall plan. And of course, this has translated in virtually every author doing the retreat writing and publishing their book.

Now I run these retreats in Australia. My first one was in Palm Cove, Far North Queensland and now I'm running my first Victorian retreat at Inverloch, a beautiful seaside town about two hours drive from Melbourne.

AUTHOR ACADEMY is exclusively for aspiring authors who are ready to write their first book. It’s going to be an energetic, informative and engaging few days where you will learn a great deal about the book writing and the book publishing worlds. The group size will be kept at 15 or below, so spaces are limited. All of the information you need to know about AUTHOR ACADEMY can be found below or alternatively, drop me a line at email/ag)(andrewgriffths.com.au.

Andrew Griffiths

PS The following video contains some testimonials from people who have attended my Author Academy retreat in Bali. You will get a really good feel for what you will get out of the retreat in Inverloch from these people and the stories they share.


AUTHOR ACADEMY is designed for two types of people - those who are ready to write their first non ficion book who want a structured process to follow, one on one mentoring as well as group learning and a peer group for support - and that's exactly what you get at this retreat. The second kind of author are those who have written a book in the past, but didn't really have a struture to follow - now they want to write another book but they want to do it in a smarter, more strategic way. Regardless of what kind of author you are, you don't need to be absolutely clear on what your book will be about, we spend a lot of time getting that crystal clear during the retreat.


AUTHOR ACADEMY will be held at the stunning RACV Inverloch Resort. Our training room overlooks the ocean and as the resort is beachfront, with lots of parklands and walks, it's not only peaceful but also perfect for immersing yourself in all things speakerish.


The retreat runs on the following days and times:

  • Thursday 29th November 8.30am - 4.00pm
  • Friday 30th November 8.30am - 4.00pm
  • Saturday 1st December  8.30am - 4.00pm
  • Sunday 2nd December 8.30am - 4.00pm


At the RACV Inverloch - there are a range of room types to choose from. We have negotiated the following rates if you wish to stay at the resort.

  • Resort Room - $259.00 per night including 1 x Buffet breakfast ($284.00 for 2 breakfasts daily)
  • Ocean View Room - $299.00 per nigh including 1 x Buffet breakfast ($324.00 for 2 breakfasts daily)
  • Premium Ocean View Room - $329.00 per night including 1 x Buffet breakfast ($354.00 for 2 breakfast daily)

PLEASE NOTE - THIS IS A BUSY SEASIDE RESORT - IT WILL FILL QUICKLY SO BOOK EARLY. To book your room please call the resort directly, on 03 5674 0000 and let them know you are doing an Andrew Griffiths Retreat to access those fixed rates. RACV Inverloch Resort

Other Accommodation Options - there are lots of great Airb BnB houses to rent as well. These are very cost effective and should suit all prices ranges. Please note though that they will book out quickly and you also want to check your location to make sure you are actually staying in Inverloch or close to Inverloch. When I searched Air BnB some places came up that were an hours drive away.

PLEASE NOTE - If you would like to stay at the RACV resort please book asap - it's a busy place and fills quickly.


Inverloch is a beautiful little town, about 2 hours drive from Melbourne via the South Gippsland and Bass Highways. It has great cafes, a few motels, chemist, doctor and a few restuarants. The population of Inverloch is only about 5000 people, but is swells up to 20,000 plus in summer. It's simple, quiet and perfect for a retreat.



We will be packing a lot into the 4 days. This is the planned content that we will be covering (but it might change a little here and there, and rest assured, there will be lots of other information exchanged as part of the programme).


  • So you want to write a book? 
  • Where do people go wrong? 
  • What does it take to write a great book? 
  • This will be the best personal development programme you will ever do. 
  • What can it do for you if you get it right? 
  • What’s your big why? 
  • Who is your author hero and why? 
  • What makes a great book? 
  • Writing style and writing voice. 
  • What is it? 
  • Why do we need it? 
  • The aim is for you to leave at the end of the week with your book mapped out, the contents page clear, all chapters mapped out and the introduction written. 
  • THE 3 STEP PROCESS:  Plan your book, download your first draft, refine and make it great. 
  • What are the elements of the “BOOK PLAN” that we need to work on? 
  • Why you need to be absolutely clear on who you are writing your book for. 
  • The key to capturing your market. 
  • Start with common ground. 
  • Share common experiences.
  • Working with publishers. 
  • The self publishing option.
  • The steps required and the key things to consider.
  • Book structure-  we need to map it out.
  • The contents page is the backbone of the book.  
  • Map out your chapter content.
  • Why stories are so important? 
  • What kind of stories do we need to tell? 
  • What are anecdotes? 
  • What if you feel like you don’t have a lot of stories to share? 
  • Where can you find more stories and anecdotes? 
  • Interviewing others for your book. 


  • Getting ready to write.
  • How to approach writing your first manuscript - tips and tricks from the professionals.
  • Getting that first download done.
  • Overcoming blocks.
  • What do you do when you finish your first download. 


  • The power of frameworks.
  • Interviews. 
  • Internal layout. 
  • A book really is judged by its cover.


  • Writing software.
  • Dragon Dictate.
  • OMM Writer.
  • Record and transcribe.
  • The importance of backing up your manuscript. 


  • Do you really need to do a book launch? 
  • What makes a good book launch? 
  • Common book launch mistakes. 
  • Your book launch plan. 


  • What have we covered? 
  • How is your Book Plan looking? 
  • Are you ready to go and write? 
  • What are your key learnings from the past 4 days? 

NOTE: Please note that we may need to change this content, add to it, subtract a little, but rest assured you will be given all of the information you need to write a great book.


The retreat fee is $2995.00. I’m only making room for 15 people at this event, to ensure we all get to spend some one on one time together over the 4 days (please note this does not include accommodation or airfares).

CLICK HERE to book your spot at the retreat now. Payment can be made by credit card or PayPal and an invoice will automatically be issued. Once it is full, I will be closing the bookings, so don’t delay. 


If you don’t get absolute value out of this retreat, and by this I mean all of the knowledge and expertise you could possibly need to write and publish your book, I will give you your money back.


If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line directly - email/ag)(andrewgriffiths.com.au. 


If this sounds exactly like the kind of retreat you would like to do to get that book out of your head and turn it into a reality - CLICK HERE to book your spot at the retreat now.


“I knew that I wanted to write a book to differentiate myself from my peers, but I had absolutely no idea where to start. Andrew has a framework that chunked the process down into manageable steps that made the process smooth and easy to complete.
During all his presentations, he not only provides awesome content, but he also has a passion for writing that shines through and you can't help but get caught up with his boundless energy and enthusiasm and before you know it you've written a book.”

Amanda Fisher, Author of “Unscramble Your Numbers”, “Connected Technology” and “The Connected Accounting Practice”


“They say ‘everyone has a book in them and in most cases that’s where it should stay’ but if anyone can help bring your book to life it’s Andrew Griffiths. Andrew has the knack of making the complex seem simple, of demystifying the process of writing a book, by breaking it down into bite sized chunks.

Publishing my first book Rebirth of the Salesman last year, was one of the greatest personal achievements of my life and it never would have happened without Andrew’s support. Don’t be one of those people who is writing a book, be one of those people who has written a book!”

Cian McLoughlin, Author of “Rebirth of the Salesman”


“They say that everyone has a book in them but how many of us have extracted it to the point of being able to hold it in our hands? Well thanks to the guidance of Andrew Griffiths I am able to say I am one of those.

I am not going to say it was easy because it was far from easy however it was made a whole lot less painful with the advice and experience of Andrew. His unrivalled knowledge of the planning, writing and distribution of books is second to none and my business is flourishing as a result.

Being able to head into a meeting with the ability to hand over a book sets me apart as the industry thought leader and it instantly sets me as the authority in the room.

All of this would not have happened without the nurturing and occasionally brutally honest encouragement from Andrew Griffiths.”

Tim Heinecke, Author of “Student Engagement” 


“I had always wanted to write a book but did not know where to start. The writing side of things wasn't the only issue - I had no idea what to do with the manuscript once written. It all seemed too hard. Meeting Andrew was a revelation. His framework for helping prospective authors write their first (and subsequent) book covers all bases - from the creative through to the logistical.

I loved working with Andrew and without question, if it were not for him I would not have achieved my writing dream. I now consider Andrew a mentor and more importantly a friend. His support, insights and generous advice have carried me through to writing a second book, with more in the pipeline.

From writing my first book; to having the confidence to call myself an Author; to becoming a Best Selling Author; to leveraging my book to become a sought after consultant and International Speaker, Andrew's influence has been there every step of the way. And - I'm having the time of my life!”

Kate Christie, Author of “ME TIME”


"There is NO friggin way I'm writing a book" I said to Andrew Griffiths and my fellow class mates on 12th March 2014.

We'll friggin is a very adult word and my parents taught me not to swear as a child. Besides, March 2014 was a friggin long time ago and will be long remembered by me as 'life changing' and I've never been the same since. This was the day that I began my author journey...

A journey which was led by Andrew Griffiths, that amazing Australian author with millions of books sold all over the world in 11 languages. What a life changing journey I've had!  In fact, I now feel the most freedom and empowerment that I've ever had in my business life as new opportunities present themselves frequently.

I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew's proven process and frameworks to the letter and was challenged during the process. In fact, I've enjoyed the author journey so much, that I've now written three books on boating and lifestyle and my fourth book is in planning stages.

My first book was a marine industry, award winning bestseller called; Honey, lets buy a BOAT! Everything you wanted to know about buyer a recreational power boat but didn't know who to ask.

Two years later, my follow up sequel was: Honey, let's go BOATING! My 101 bucket list of boating destinations (Victorian Edition) and my final book in the trilogy that was only released last month is: Honey, let's sell the BOAT! Finding the right buyer at the right price - 9 Practical Steps -

Since releasing my books my media presence has skyrocketed. You can hear me on radio 3AW doing my regular weekend Beach N' Bay reports over summer.  I have several weekly video blogs that are received by over 28,000 boat owners or you can watch me on the international stage at boat shows, corporate and lifestyle events. 

I've even appeared on Foxtel and ch7 presenting for the TV show "All About Boats" and as an on-screen presenter and ambassador for "Life's Better With A Boat" campaign for the Boating Industry Association.
In addition, I'm also the proud boating ambassador for Wyndham Harbour, Melbourne’s new centre for recreational boating on the north-western side of Port Phillip.

Do yourself a big favour, enrol in one of Andrew Griffiths programs and you'll never look back. 

If he can turn me into a friggin award winning bestselling author, just think about what he can do for you?”

Darren Finkelstein, Author of “Honey let’s buy a boat!”, “Honey let’s go boating!” and “Honey let’s sell the boat!”


"Andrew Griffiths is my guiding light when it comes to being an entrepreneur. He motivates, inspires and leads by example. Most importantly, I am an author today because of Andrew, his process and his commitment to getting my best work out of me.

Thank you Andrew. I will forever be in your debt. Because of you, I am an author.”

Ronsley Vaz, Author of “Amplify”.


"Writing my book has been a pivotal point in my business. It has enabled me to step into my space of authority in my field and its amazing to see the way people respond when they realise I am an author.

I sometimes think - 'but if you only knew that it wasn't that hard' :). Simply by following Andrew's process I was able to package up my knowledge and present it to the world. I am an author now and always will be thanks to the clear helpful guidance of Andrew."

Geoff Anderson, Author of "Shoot Me Now - Making videos to boost business"


“Publishing a book was one of the most rewarding things that I have done in my life. Andrew was able to give me clear and concise plan that drew my book out of my head and onto paper. Using his framework, I was able to share my message in a coherent and meaningful way - he really brought my dream of becoming an author to life.

If you ever have the opportunity to get Andrews help in writing your book I wouldn't pass it up.”

Katherine Maslen, Author of “Get Well Stay Well”


“Ok, so I wanted to write a book, I knew that much. I did know I wanted to compose my piece, make my mark…whereas what to write about, how to write it and how to get it published – now therein lays the problem.

What I didn’t know about the `writers route`, is what Andrew Griffiths knows best – better than most. The what, the how and the who, is where AG shines, this is his space.
Knowing he had my back all the way through the `minefield of writers process` was reassuring and a comfort... he was calm, patient, pushy, a councillor and determined (he even offered the odd hug when required) for that I thank him.”
Dean Hawkins, Author of “Fight Fire with Fire”.


And here are a few photos from my retreats, just to get a bit of a feel for what they are like. Enjoy.

CLICK HERE to book your spot at the retreat now.

Win one of my Bestselling Books

Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my bestselling books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that.

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