"I work with people of substance
to build businesses of substance"

andrew griffiths, the entrepreneurial futurist

NOVEMBER 10-13, 2016


I ran my first Author 2.0 retreat in May and it was hugely successful. So the question has come up, when is the next one - and the answer is November the 10th - 13th 2016. My Author 2.0 retreat is a 4 day retreat that is only open for people who have already written and published a book, who are ready to get serious about their author career ahead.

We are going to cover a lot of ground, including developing a 10 year publishing strategy. I’m going to share everything that I have done and continue to do, to help make me a bestselling author, with books translated and sold around the world for almost two decades. On top of that, this year I have several books coming out, I’m going to share some of my newest thoughts, ideas and actions for not only selling books but also leveraging yourself as an author.

If this sounds like something you would like to be involved in - watch the following video, download the brochure and check out the info below.

AUTHOR 2.0 NOV 2016.pdf


I need to be really clear here - this retreat is only for people who have already published a book. It is not a writing retreat. I might do some of them later in the year, but for now, this is about building a serious business as an author.


Author 2.0 will be held at Griya Santrian at Sanur in Bali (http://www.santrian.com/griya/rooms/). This is a very relaxed beachfront venue, with all of the typical Balinese features. The rates here are affordalbe, however the nice thing about Sanur is that there are lots of hotels, all within walking distance of this one, so really the choice is entirely up to you. There are five star right down to backpacker style accommodation. My advice is that you choose somewhere on the beachfront though.

We have negotiated a special rate at the resort - $145 USD per night for a deluxe room including all taxes. The promotional code for this is ANDREW GROUPS. And it is probably best to book it directly through their reservations email address which is: email/sales-griya)(santrian.com

Sanur is a beautiful place to chill out. It makes the perfect back drop for a retreat like this. The theme overall will be really casual. To recover from the classes I suggest late afternoon drinks on the beach, massages and seafood grills at any of the small restaurants lining the beach.


A good friend of mine, Bree James,  is going to be joining us. Bree has been publishing niched magazines in QLD for the past ten years, making her an authority on creating content, building readership, working with authors, developing campaigns and so much more. Bree is going to be sharing a pile of great information that everyone attending will find extraordinarily valuable when it comes to building their own reader communities, getting media attention, getting regular columns and much, much more. As another added bonus, Bree knows Sanur and Bali like the back of her hand so she is our “go to lady” for all things Bali.


The video below has some feedback from people who attended the last retreat, as well as their take on the resort, the location and pretty much everything else to do with the Author 2.0 programme. 


Images from Andrew Griffiths Author 2.0 Bali Retreat in May 2016 from Andrew Griffiths Enterprises


We will be kicking off at 8.30am every day, recapping the previous days work and setting the scene for the day ahead. We will be finishing by 4.00pm at the latest. Sanur is a great place to enjoy Bali, so we want to make sure you have some time to do exactly that. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are all catered. We will also have a welcome dinner on the Wednesday night, and we will let you know about that a litle closer to the event.


Well as per usual, I’ve packed a lot into these days. I am absolutely committed to giving you all of the skills and knowledge that you are going to need to be truly successful as an author. The following schedule should give you a pretty good idea of what we will be covering.

We have 12 modules to cover over the 4 days including:

MODULE 1 - Relect on your first book.          

  • Key learnings, realisations and aha moments from book one.
  • Defining your ambitions as an author.
  • Your big why?
  • What do you really want to achieve?
  • The attitude you need to succeed in this space.
  • The 7 character traits of successful authors.

MODULE 2 - The 10 Year Plan.

  • Branding yourself as an author.
  • Why we need to be looking that far ahead.
  • The elements of the 10 Year Plan that we need to work on.
  • The timing of book releases to match the timings of your business.
  • The changing audience over this time frame.
  • The need for you to evolve as an author.
  • Creating a BIG idea and running with it.

MODULE 3 - What are you going to write about?

  • The need to always be working on your next book.
  • What researching a book really means.
  • The book pitch as a second time author.
  • Taking your next books to new levels.
  • Is it time to write something more substantial?
  • What types of books can we be writing?
  • Let's look at the BLOG book in more detail.

MODULE 4 - The evolution of your author tribe.

  • The role of your tribe - and where most authors go wrong.
  • Finding them, keeping them and growing with them.
  • The right platforms for you today.
  • Creating the right online content for your tribe.
  • You need a strong online presence.
  • The need to be an authority in a number of places.
  • Staying relevant to your tribe.
  • Dealing with the haters.             

MODULE 5 - The power of the media

  • The changing role of the media for authors.
  • Explore them all - develop your hit list.
  • Look to build connection, create relationships.
  • Be across it - every day.
  • Working with editors - understanding their role and what makes them tick.
  • The less obvious media.             
  • Staying relevant over the years.          

MODULE 6 - Other authors are a part of your tribe. 

  • Why do we need to partner with other authors?
  • How do you find the right author partner?
  • The need for accountability, credibility and creativity.
  • What do author partnerships look like?
  • Conspiring to write books together - leverage, leverage, leverage.
  • Could you franchise your book idea?

MODULE 7 - Driving sales - locally, nationally and internationally.

  • Let’s talk distribution, book shops and online.
  • Driving sales locally - is it worth it?
  • National sales campaigns - what works and what doesn’t?
  • How the international sales world works.
  • The single most important thing to remember.
  • International books fairs - are they an option?
  • The real value of international sales for authors?
  • Yes your books will be ripped off.         

MODULE 8 - Selling your books in bulk.

  • Don’t do this randomly. Be strategic.
  • Put yourself in their shoes.
  • Plan your future books around this.
  • Approaching organisations to buy your books in bulk.
  • Customising your book for larger sales.
  • Chinese publishers - what we need to know and some recommendations.

MODULE 9 - Is it time to look for a mainstream publisher?

  • Let’s take a closer look at publishing companies in Australia.
  • What has changed - what is the opportunity.
  • How do you approach them? Why should you approach them?
  • The appeal of international publishers.
  • How the main book markets work.
  • Let’s talk money.

MODULE 10 - Let’s go deeper on writing skills and techniques.

  • Knowing yourself as a writer (AUTHOR SWOT).
  • You have to be evolving as a writer.
  • Don’t just write to be popular.
  • Overcoming the need to wait for inspiration.
  • The author retreat - just you and your laptop - how to do it successfully.
  • Mastering FRAMEWORKS.

MODULE 11- So what questions do you have? Q&A Session.

  • We’ve covered a lot of ground, what haven’t we covered?
  • How are you feeling about the next 10 years.
  • This is the opportunity to have any unanswered questions answered.  

MODULE 12 - Clarity, focus, rituals and action.

  • Time to bring the programme together.
  • We’ve covered a lot of ground, now we need to ensure it is all in a plan.
  • Staying motivated. Staying inspired.
  • Where to from here?


The retreat fee is $2995.00. I’m only making room for 25 people for this event, to ensure we all get to spend some one on one time together over the 4 days (please note this does not include accommodation or airfares). And as an author, building a business around your writing, this should be a tax deductible expense for you.

It will also include a prelim webinar before we go, a comprehensive travel guide, a pile of resources and some follow up work after the retreat.

To book please follow this link, payment can be made by credit card or paypal and an invoice will automatically be issued. Once it is full, I will be closing the bookings, so don’t delay. BOOK HERE.


If you don’t get absolute value out of this retreat, and by this I mean all of the knowledge and expertise you could possibly need to become a successful author I will give you your money back.


If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line directly - email/ag)(andrewgriffiths.com.au.

Win one of my Bestselling Books

Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my bestselling books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that.

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